Is it possible to take the test in English (or another language)?
Unfortunately it's not possible to take the Dutch amateur radio test in another language than Dutch. Due to a ruling by the RDI (Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur or Dutch Authority for Digital Infrastructure, the former Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands) exams in The Netherlands are only available in the Dutch language.

So there are two possibilities:

The hard way: learn Dutch first and then prepare for the exams using Dutch study material. The technical part you could probably also learn from other sources, but in order to understand the regulations for the amateur service in our country, a reasonable command of the Dutch language is required. Exams can be taken at the CBR (

Prepare for exams in English using course material from the Radio Society of Great Britain ( and take the exams in the UK.
Note, that only the British Full exam plus the HAREC-document (Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate) is recognized in the Netherlands as in most other European countries and quite a few countries across the world. On presenting your HAREC document, you can apply with the RDI for a permanent F-class Dutch amateur radio licence which will give you access to all amateur bands, all modes and with a transmitting power of 400 W on most of them. See also: